Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts

Monday 27 July 2020

Tips For Yoga At Home | Online Yoga

When practicing yoga at home

a) Place your device at a suitable place, where you can see the screen while doing seated or standing asanas

b) There must be enough lighting on the screen so that you can see the screen clearly

c) Ensure you let your teacher know in advance of any illness or pain etc.

d) For the morning class, try to set a timely alarm, so that you can participate well on time

e) Try to eat some nuts or fruit if you are feeling low in energy

Sunday 26 July 2020

If I do 24 Surya namaskars a day, does that mean I will lose 13.9×24 calories each day?

I received this query today

My answer to this query

What exercise you do and how many calories you burn from that, it depends on many factors.

-The intensity of the exercise
-Your interest and participation
-Time of the day etc.

However, when you workout first thing in the morning, you burn the maximum calories.
When it comes to Surya Namaskar, your focus should be on how you are performing these 12 asanas. 

Try to get better in each of asanas every day, and you are bound to burn maximum calories.
Good luck!

You can follow me on My Youtube for more such answers

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