Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Clean eating is always a challenge

Clean eating is always a challenge

People think exercise is a difficult task. It is not.

The most difficult task is to eat clean. Because it requires self-control and demands you to be disciplined about your eating habits.

Temptations are always there but what do you choose to do when you are feeling tempted to binge. To eat or not to eat?

But, the right alternative is to know what and how much you can eat.

Instead of fighting with yourself about your guilt food. Admit, it is ok, and I am allowed to eat in my limits. Know your limits. Know thyself.

There are certain rules you should follow about binging
  • It can be once or twice a week (not more than that)
  • Sweets should be taken independently (you can take as a mini meal)
  • Prefer to eat fried food in the first half (it will be digested better)

Sugarcane after power yoga in summers

What do you drink after your exercise session?

We look right back on our Indian Tradition and in our kitchens to find the nutritious meal ever.

If you are not lifting weights and do power yoga, then it is perfectly safe and super healthy to consume sugarcane juice.

Loaded with essential nutrients, provides with younger skin, high in fiber, low in GI (Glycemic Index), excellent in fighting diseases like diabetes and cancer, and a great substitute for aerated drinks and cola.

Eat local and seasonal.

Avoid surgery in back pain

This is a video post. Listen to me in this video

Eat dinner early and you will be surprised by the results

Eat dinner early and you will be surprised by the results

What am I saying is that you reconsider the time of the last meal of the day.

Most of the people are getting sick or gaining unnecessary weight due to late night food. This habit leads to many many lifestyle diseases.

In India, it is becoming a culture of eating dinner post 10. But, it is the best time to go to sleep. No wonder people entire lifestyle has gone for the toss and people are inviting diseases to them.

It may sound little harsh but if you eat a big platter at night and go to sleep, this food will turn toxic, will not get digested, and will create a problem for you.

Parties, late night culture is no good for your well being. One or two days a week is MORE THAN ENOUGH. If you stay awake post 10:30 you're going to be unhealthy.

In Yoga and Ayurveda, one should go to be bed early and get up early.

Early to bed early to rise. This old idiom is still valid in today's time. We are the ambassador of it, as we follow it as a ritual.

A healthy lifestyle is a priority.

If you want to lose weight, need awesome skin, want great health as long as you can imagine, this is a must.

The maximum you can sleep by 10:30 / 11 pm and get up by 6/ 6:30 am.

And your dinner time should be before 8. Every day. So that your food is completely digested before you go to sleep.

When you follow this routine, you will naturally eat your breakfast. Another brilliant habit to lose weight and maintain amazing health.