Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Best Vegetarian Sources of Omega 3

Best Vegetarian Sources of Omega 3

Non-vegetarian can easily get their dose of Omega  3 from Fish.

Vegetarians should not ignore this nutrient from the diet, as it an essential fatty acid, good for skin, bones, heart.

It has many amazing benefits for mind and body.

1. It can fight depression and anxiety
2. It can improve eye health
3. It can promote brain health during pregnancy and early life
4. It can reduce symptoms of metabolic syndrome
5. It can fight inflammation
6. It can fight autoimmune diseases like diabetes
7. It can improve mental disorders
9. It can fight age-related mental decline and alzheimer's disease
10. It may help prevent cancer
11. It can reduce asthma in children
12. It can reduce fat in your liver
13. It may improve bone and joint health
14. Omega 3 fats are good for your skin

Vegetarian Sources of Omega 3 are

1. Mustard Seeds & Oil
2. Flax Seeds
3. Chia Seeds
4. Walnuts