Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Get strong bones

Get strong bones

Your health should be the utmost priority.

But, sad to see for some people health is not even on the list, it is simply in the dreams.

I am saying this because when it comes to taking action towards the health, towards eating right, time to exercise, they very easily postpone it for tomorrow.

Your life, your choices, you might have other urgent priorities in life, but I am just reminding you that every time you put things off for tomorrow you losing an opportunity to build your health.

In this blog, I am suggesting few ways to build strength in your bones, and it will be extremely beneficial in your 40's and beyond, and will save you from unnecessary aches in bones and joints.

1. Exercise: Try Strength Training, Yoga (It should be challenging). Brisk Walking.

The right exercise is must for all age groups.

2. Lead an active lifestyle

The more you stay active on a day to day basis, the more you will retain the strength in your bones.

When you stay active, you build strength.

When you are sitting for a longer period, you are losing strength.

3. Eat a balanced diet

Your diet should have enough carbs, protein, and fats.

4. Get your vitamins and minerals in place

All these essential nutrients should be adequately present in your diet - Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Omega 3, Zinc, Vitamin D.

5. Go in sunlight

Most of the Indians are not getting enough sunlight. Living indoors has kind of become an addiction because there are enough activities we are engaged indoors.

Go party outdoors, soak yourself in the sun.