Thursday 13 June 2019

What are your goals in life?

What are your goals in life?

Yesterday I discussed the importance of goals in life.

Goals put you in a discipline, and you automatically tend to focus on the things that take you closer to your goals.

So, you won't engage in useless activities and tend to manage your time well.

You become productive, you stay focused, you achieve more on a day to day basis.

How does it connect with your health?

Very much.

When you have nothing to do, all you think about is food, and dream of having different platters, so you overeat.

When you are focused and engaged in work, you tend to forget about food all the time, but only when you are really hungry, or the time of the meal.

It is kind of important for everyone to have a goal and discipline on a day to day basis to stay healthy.

When your mind is active and learning and performing, your body responds better and acts better.