Wednesday 12 June 2019

What I eat is what I am

What I eat is what I am

That is why in yoga it is always recommended to eat foods that are simple, alive, and close to nature.

About 50% of your meals should be raw, and the rest could be well cooked.

It is advisable that you eat 1-2 serving of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains.

And avoid junk and meat products, as they are dead already, have no fresh value to them.

It will continue to spread more bacteria and germs in your system, and it might take years to get rid of that bacteria.

Even animals do not eat dead food, but humans eat dead animals. God!!

If you seriously seek to avoid diseases, then first you need to is to check the food you put in your system.

Food that is fresh and alive will nourish your system from within.