Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Calcium absorption - the real worry?

Calcium absorption - the real worry?

If calcium absorption is your worry, they consider the following options

1. Take your calcium supplement along with your meals

2. Do not more than 500 mg at one time

3. Include calcium-rich foods like milk, soybeans, oranges, okra (bhindi), almonds, spinach, sesame seeds.

4. Along with calcium, you need to have the right amount of vitamin d, magnesium, and vitamin k.

5. Sources of vitamin d are sunlight, mushrooms, soy milk, cheese.

6. Sources of magnesium are dark chocolate, cashews, green leafy vegetables, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, kidney beans (rajma).

7. Sources of vitamin k2 basil, cabbage, mustard, ladyfinger, cucumber, carrots, chilli powder, clove

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin

People these days are Vitamin D deficient.

The reason mostly lies in our diet and lifestyle.

We have almost stopped eating good quality fats.

Earlier our meals had a good amount of ghee and oils.

Now we run away from oils and ghee is a big no.

Because you think it is fattening.

It is not.

Eating ghee regularly is the key to weight loss.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, it means, the body will absorb this vitamin in the presence of good quality fats.

If you are popping pills or soaking in sun the whole day, it won't increase your vitamin d levels until your body has the required amount of fats.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Best Vegetarian Sources of Omega 3

Best Vegetarian Sources of Omega 3

Non-vegetarian can easily get their dose of Omega  3 from Fish.

Vegetarians should not ignore this nutrient from the diet, as it an essential fatty acid, good for skin, bones, heart.

It has many amazing benefits for mind and body.

1. It can fight depression and anxiety
2. It can improve eye health
3. It can promote brain health during pregnancy and early life
4. It can reduce symptoms of metabolic syndrome
5. It can fight inflammation
6. It can fight autoimmune diseases like diabetes
7. It can improve mental disorders
9. It can fight age-related mental decline and alzheimer's disease
10. It may help prevent cancer
11. It can reduce asthma in children
12. It can reduce fat in your liver
13. It may improve bone and joint health
14. Omega 3 fats are good for your skin

Vegetarian Sources of Omega 3 are

1. Mustard Seeds & Oil
2. Flax Seeds
3. Chia Seeds
4. Walnuts

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Get strong bones

Get strong bones

Your health should be the utmost priority.

But, sad to see for some people health is not even on the list, it is simply in the dreams.

I am saying this because when it comes to taking action towards the health, towards eating right, time to exercise, they very easily postpone it for tomorrow.

Your life, your choices, you might have other urgent priorities in life, but I am just reminding you that every time you put things off for tomorrow you losing an opportunity to build your health.

In this blog, I am suggesting few ways to build strength in your bones, and it will be extremely beneficial in your 40's and beyond, and will save you from unnecessary aches in bones and joints.

1. Exercise: Try Strength Training, Yoga (It should be challenging). Brisk Walking.

The right exercise is must for all age groups.

2. Lead an active lifestyle

The more you stay active on a day to day basis, the more you will retain the strength in your bones.

When you stay active, you build strength.

When you are sitting for a longer period, you are losing strength.

3. Eat a balanced diet

Your diet should have enough carbs, protein, and fats.

4. Get your vitamins and minerals in place

All these essential nutrients should be adequately present in your diet - Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Omega 3, Zinc, Vitamin D.

5. Go in sunlight

Most of the Indians are not getting enough sunlight. Living indoors has kind of become an addiction because there are enough activities we are engaged indoors.

Go party outdoors, soak yourself in the sun. 

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

10000 steps a day

10000 steps a day

Walking is a great physical activity.

It does not count as exercise, but it has amazing benefits for mind and body.

I literally can walk for an hour non-stop, I would do so because you feel amazing and fresh in mind and body both.

It immediately takes away your stress.

As we are leading a more sedentary lifestyle and depending more on technology, fitness applications and devices, have a minimum goal for about 10000 steps a day.

It makes for about 5 miles a day which is the utmost essential on a daily basis. And, it is a bare minimum.

If your goal is weight loss then please make thrice the efforts:)

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Who are you becoming?

Wrong people feel jealous, pull other people down, have no goals and ambitions, always making excuses, have no discipline in life, feeding themselves with food all the time, intoxicating their mind with gossiping and screen.

Right people lifting themselves, lifting others, working hard towards a goal, exercising, taking control of their thoughts, taking control of their energies, learning new things, they feel inspired when other people succeed. Whereas, wrong people feel jealous when others succeed.

As Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work." Best people keep trying because they believe in themselves and have a deep desire to succeed. Whereas wrong people give up quickly and believe they cannot win, they cannot achieve, they cannot become, and the list goes on. And when they do not utilize their energies into constructive work, into uplifting themselves up, they use that energy to pull others down. Wrong people always creating problems for the right people.

It is all about energies. Every day, every morning, each one of us is blessed with immense energy. Your mind and body are recharged after 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Now what you do with that energy is up to you. You can channelize into good, you can channelize into bad. People who have no ambition will find the easy way out and will channelize their energies into pulling others down because it is an easy way out.

It requires will power to stay positive, to think positive, to take positive actions. It requires no will power to think negative. You will have to work hard in a positive direction. That is why parents ask their kids to mingle with the right people else you will be influenced. We as adults also need to mingle with people that are good for our mind, body, heart, and soul.

Your life, your choices. You should know very well that your present thoughts and actions creating your future life and destiny.

In the end, there are no wrong people or the right people. There are just people who make the right choices in life and wrong choices in life. Hope you stand for utmost positivity and continue to strive for a higher purpose in life.

Flex as you age

Flex as you age

The flexibility of the body helps you bend easily, move easily, rotate easily if you see dancers moving in all possible directions from their body is flexibility.

The flexibility of mind helps you see things from different perspectives, and it helps you understand life in a better way.

But, alas, as you age, you lose the flexibility of mind and body both.

You have seen a child doing all movements he will do it quite easily, but after 40 you try to bend, it is becoming difficult.

The very basic test of flexibility is - stand straight, legs together, and now try to touch your hands to the feet.

If you can do this good, try further, try to touch your torse to the legs.

That will be too much if you have never done yoga before. 

Reduced flexibility can also lead to poor balance.

Although joint flexibility decreases with age, the fortunate news is that flexibility can be improved across ALL age groups with proper flexibility training.

Range of motion can be improved with as little as 4 weeks of regular stretching 2 – 3 times per week.

In addition to increasing range of motion and functional capacity, flexibility exercises have been shown to improve posture, stability, and balance.

Regular flexibility exercise can reduce the likelihood of injuries, prevent low back pain, knee pain and reduce muscle soreness.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

The only way to keep this body in good condition

The only way to keep this body in good condition is to use it.

Now we also have lifts at residences.

It is so easy to deny the opportunity to walk and use the easiest possible way.

Thankfully earlier we never had a lift, and thankfully now are modern so we have a lift at our home too.

What a proud feeling?

Yes and no.

Because it is what leads to poor health.

Anyways walk more, sit less.

Get up and do your own work at home.

Use less help from others if you want to stay super healthy.

It is the only way possible to keep this machinery function at an optimum level.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Special drink of the day: Aam Panna

Aam Panna is rich in several nutrients like the protein Pectin only found in unripe mango.

It is also rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, niacin, iron, and folates.

In fact, one glass of aam panna by itself is enough to provide for your daily need of iron.

Monday, 8 July 2019

How to balance health with work

How to balance health with work

As much as we want to take utmost care of our mind, body, soul, but our current lifestyle does not spare us with any time to do that.

Yet managing our time and schedule is completely in our hand.

It is about managing your focus and keeping your goals in front.

If you keep your health goals in front, you will notice that you end up doing something about it.

Even a minimum of 20 minutes walk can do wonders on a daily basis.

Try other following tips to find a great healthy balance

-Try to eat one or two raw meals rather than all as your cooked meals

-Drink at least 2.5 to 3 liters of water every day. 2.5 is the minimum you should aim for

-Include meditation in your daily routine

-Make it a habit to write in your journal so that you stay more organized and feel less stressed

-Count the number of cups of coffee and tea you consume during the day. The extra dose of caffeine will affect the quality of sleep, and you will never feel refreshed

-Inculcate yoga in your routine, maybe just on weekends because it really works from inside out. It prepares you mentally, emotionally, and physically for the rest of the week

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Don't eat fruits just after meals

Don't eat fruits just after meals

Ayurveda strongly stands against eating any fruit after having your meals at any time of the day.

The basic reason behind this is that eating fruits can directly disrupt the ongoing digestion of the food eaten.

Eating fruits after your meals can lead to fermentation in your stomach affecting your overall digestive health.

It can cause acidity, gas, and indigestion.

Also, it leads to overeating.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Happy people are healthy people

Happy people are healthy people

There are two kinds of happiness in this social world we are living in.

One, you fake your happiness for social profile;)

Another, you really are happy from within.

Many studies have proved that happy generally are healthy and have fewer chances of falling ill.

When you are really happy from your mind, heart, body, and soul, your entire body is influenced.

All your organs, heart, cells, tissues, function at their best.

1. Happiness protects your heart

2. Happiness strengthens your immune system

3. Happiness combats stress

4. Happy people have fewer aches and pains

5. Happiness combats disease and disability

6. Happiness lengthens our lives

When without spending any money, we can create so much awesomeness, so why worry?

Diet accidents

Diet accidents

The people who exercise consistently, or do heavy physical activity their bodies cannot accept diet accidents.

I am referring to the right kind of food and eat at the right timing.

One meal missed, and they feel out of balance immediately.

Many people do not realize the cause of uneasiness when the actual cause is they did not eat properly, or even missed their meals completely.

Even people who often fall sick, have headaches quite often, living on tea and coffee, their meals are just not in place.

Eat right and at your timings, fewer diet accidents should be there, if you like to avoid all of the issues mentioned above.

Sometime it is said that forget the food, work late night, improve your productivity to grow in life, business but most often when you eat right and get a proper dose of sleep, you function much better, and hence improve your productivity.

Else you will feel low, drained, less energetic throughout the day.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Yoga is better than any surgery

Yoga is better than any surgery

Annu Arora is an expert in Therapeutic Yoga. If you are suffering from Back issues, yoga will be immensely helpful in relieving pain issues and with regular practice, you can eventually say goodbye to pain killers and improve the strength in your back muscles along with overall strength in the body.

Try Yoga with Annu Arora

Consult Annu Arora @ 8285198851

Ladies only.

Some words from a student

Listen to me in this video

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Myth: You gain weight after you stop exercising

Myth: You gain weight after you stop exercising

Well, as you age, the fat percentage in the body already increasing.

After 40+ the increase in fat percentage is at a high speed and you are naturally losing strength from bones.

So, your BMI (bone mass index) is decreasing at a high speed after 40.

The only way available to reduce your fat percentage is through exercise and physical activity.

When you start exercising or when you do yoga your body has restricted the further increase in the fat stores, and when you stick to your practice for a longer period of time, it began to reduce your fat stores and increases your BMI.

So, when you suddenly leave the exercise regime, your body comes back to the natural changes that are happening inside the body.

It is not at all an effect of leaving any exercise schedule.

Saturday, 29 June 2019

How often do you drink tea?

How often do you drink tea?

Or, how often you get the urge to drink tea, and sometimes you give in and sometimes you kind of control yourself.

But, have you noticed a child asking for tea?

If you have not exposed him to the concept of tea, he will not ask, and he does not even need.

That is how your body should be, it should not demand tea, and should not be dependent on a stimulant like tea or coffee.

If you drink once a day, you are not at all dependent, and it is kind of healthy for you.

Most often, tea or coffee you need simply to get going may be because you are overworking, you are depriving your body for good quality nutrition, lack of sleep, or all the three.

If you can balance these three, you will notice that your need for tea and coffee has immensely reduced.

Friday, 28 June 2019

Life is all about balance

Life is all about balance.

Wherever you find yourself in life right now, just take a moment to breathe and relax.

Work hard and achieve more on a day to day basis, have goals and work towards them, but try to strike a balance in personal and professional life.

Your health is non-negotiable while you chase your goals, because a healthy body and a calm mind will help you achieve more.

It will help you improve your productivity.

You will stay centered and focused throughout the day.

Yoga is one technique to find balance, achieve more, and improve your effectiveness. 

Breathe. Relax.

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Stop eating biscuits now

Stop eating biscuits now

You have read it many times yet you continue to eat it.

Wonder why is the taste so important if even that thing is super unhealthy and can make you sick.

It will make you fat.

It is for your heart health.

It has high preservatives.

It is high in sodium.

It is high in sugar.

It contains palm oil.

It uses all-purpose flour.

You should also not eat the ones that are labeled as fat-free, high fiber, atta biscuits, because they are just the same.

It is a sales technique to make a whole lot of profit from weight conscious people.

Read the food label, it is there on any pack you buy, and cross-check the ingredient.

Your brain on food

Your brain on food

If you want to be a smart thinker, start eating clean foods that have a lot of nutrition.

The food that is high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, etc. because such food will nourish not only your body but your mind as well.

When you deprive yourself of good quality nutrition, it damages brains cells and effects your ability to think clearly.

Anything that is processed or refined should be extremely limited in your lifestyle.

Eat more clean food.

Eat your green vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, grains, etc. to be effective and efficient on a day to day basis.

Monday, 24 June 2019

International Yoga Day 2019

Annu Arora was invited as a Guest Yoga Teacher to lead a yoga session on the eve of International Yoga Day 2019. About 1500+ students and teachers of Central Government School, Paschim Vihar attended the session.

ILIVELIGHT YOGA organizes sessions in Schools/ Colleges / Corporates. To organize a session, kindly visit 

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Your competition

Your competition is your procrastination.

Your ego.

The unhealthy food you're consuming, the knowledge you neglect.

The negative behavior you're nurturing & your lack of creativity.

Compete against that.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

What is the quality of your drinking water?

What is the quality of your drinking water?

These days we are drinking water from a plastic bottle.

We all are, in fact, most of the things we eat and drink comes in plastic.

This need to change.

Traditionally, we used to drink water from a copper utensil, or from mitti ka matka in summers, but never plastic.

I have this small pot in which I store my water overnight and drink water from this every morning.

This was not bought by me, it was by my parents who have this for a very long time.

But, I am utilizing this almost every day, it is a small one, I need a big one to store a liter or two overnight, to drink water the next whole day.

What best you can do as of now is to stop storing water in plastics, use copper, stainless steel or glass.

Drinking from copper utensils has many benefits

1. Helps the digestive system perform better
2. Aids weight loss
3. Helps heals wounds faster
4. Slows down aging
5. Helps maintain heart health and beats hypertension
6. Mitigates the risk of cancer
7. Protects you from infections
8. Regulates the working of the thyroid gland
9. Beats arthritis and inflamed joints
10. Boosts skin health and melanin production
11. Beats anemia

Saturday, 15 June 2019

If this is how you exercise

If this is how you exercise... Not really good right?

Who says we don't exercise?

We 'Jump' to conclusions

We 'Throw' our weight around

We 'Twist' the truth

We 'Stretch' the lies

We 'Bend' the rules

We 'Push' our luck

We 'Lift' our egos

We 'Run' from tough situations

We are absolutely fit

But still, we're fat because.....we eat our words

-Author Unknown

Friday, 14 June 2019

Heal without medicine

Heal without medicine

It is going to be my next big program, and I will guarantee you that with the right techniques, right diet, right lifestyle, and exercise, you will be able to say goodbye to any disease.

People who complain that they can not follow the right diet, or right lifestyle, it is possible for everyone.

We will show you, how you can instill new habits and change the old ones.

We will work with you and will show you the possibilities.

We will make it happen for you.

No need to depend on medicines for life long.

In this program, you will follow our discipline, our schedule, our eating plan without a fail.

You can join this program online also.

This program is excellent for weight loss, high bp, low bp, sugar, pcos, pcod etc. 

Enrol for 1/3 months program and see the difference in yourself.

Write me an email at or Whatsapp me at +91 8285198851.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

What are your goals in life?

What are your goals in life?

Yesterday I discussed the importance of goals in life.

Goals put you in a discipline, and you automatically tend to focus on the things that take you closer to your goals.

So, you won't engage in useless activities and tend to manage your time well.

You become productive, you stay focused, you achieve more on a day to day basis.

How does it connect with your health?

Very much.

When you have nothing to do, all you think about is food, and dream of having different platters, so you overeat.

When you are focused and engaged in work, you tend to forget about food all the time, but only when you are really hungry, or the time of the meal.

It is kind of important for everyone to have a goal and discipline on a day to day basis to stay healthy.

When your mind is active and learning and performing, your body responds better and acts better.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

What I eat is what I am

What I eat is what I am

That is why in yoga it is always recommended to eat foods that are simple, alive, and close to nature.

About 50% of your meals should be raw, and the rest could be well cooked.

It is advisable that you eat 1-2 serving of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains.

And avoid junk and meat products, as they are dead already, have no fresh value to them.

It will continue to spread more bacteria and germs in your system, and it might take years to get rid of that bacteria.

Even animals do not eat dead food, but humans eat dead animals. God!!

If you seriously seek to avoid diseases, then first you need to is to check the food you put in your system.

Food that is fresh and alive will nourish your system from within.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Jaisa khaye ann waisa hoye mann

Jaisa khaye ann waisa hoye mann

I have been on the path of bhakti yoga since my childhood.

So the learnings and guidance on this path are immense and pure and true, and I feel blessed to be on this path.

But, what is one thing that I have not heard anywhere or may be very few know about it?

I would like to write it down maybe someone would gain something out of it.

It is about your source of income.

Because the source will influence every other thing in your life, including your future generations.


Money earned by right means has a blessing, and it will bless everyone and everything that is brought by this kind of money.

But, money earned by wrong deeds will have a curse that will influence everyone using that money.

So the food that you buy and feed your family, your small little kids, your loved ones, gaining the wrong impressions, and might influence their thought process too.

They will pick up negative energies.

You have already sown the seed of their life too.

Monday, 10 June 2019

Still using Refined Oil?

Still using Refined Oil?

I stopped using refined oil for more than three to four years now.

Even for the purpose of frying, we use mustard oil, and not refined oil.

We use mustard oil and ghee for cooking our vegetables and dal.

The refining process of oil uses a lot of acids, that is further deodorized with a chemical called Hexanol to remove the pungent smell.

When the processed refined oil is heated for the frying purpose, it oxidizes and releases trans fat, which is dangerous for the human body and may lead to heart problem and cancer.


Canola oil
Vegetable oil
Corn oils
Margarine (or any other ‘buttery’ spread)

You can safely use:

Mustard Oil
Desi Ghee
Coconut Oil 

Sunday, 9 June 2019

The automobile

The automobile kills more people by depriving them of the opportunity to walk than it does by hitting them.

-Author Unknown

Scary. Isn't it?

Stay active as much as you can.

Exercise and take interest in small tasks in the office and at home.