Tuesday 14 May 2019

Add mindfulness to your day

Add mindfulness to your day

Is your life is just passing by, or you are consciously living your life.

It is better to have a meaningful purpose to your life rather than let it be another day, another month or another year.

Consciously aware of your thoughts, your actions help you sail through beautifully this beautiful life.

A few things on a daily basis connects you with inner being and helps you stay in tune with the inner consciousness, the divine, your purpose, your goals, very clearly.

- Beginning your day with 30 minutes to 1 hour of yoga practice

- Writing in the journal brings more awareness of your thoughts

- Taking a break to just check in your breathing

- Ending your day with meditation or spending time with just your self without any gadgets

Ask these questions from yourself if needed

- What do I stand for?

- What do I like to achieve from this life?

- What is the purpose of my life?

- What is my standard of a good human being?

- What is beyond these materialistic things?

The answer lies within maybe it is time to do some soul searching.