Wednesday 29 May 2019

Sunlight awesomeness

Sunlight awesomeness

I think we are living such indoors that we have almost lost touch with this beautiful nature.

How much sunlight enters into your room?

Either the design is such that no sunlight can enter or we have covered everything with thick curtains that no sunlight or fresh air can come indoors.

Seek good health?

Soak yourself in nature, greenery, sunlight.

Nature helps your body to be in the right balance.

Sunlight also helps in the formation of Vitamin D.

You may want to avoid direct sunlight post 10 am, but before 10 am the rays are not that strong, and you can gain the health benefits, without exposing yourself to the harmful rays of sunlight.

Sun rays are very strong from 10 am to 3 pm, so try to avoid direct exposure during this period.

There are other great benefits of sunlight

1. Boosts immunity
2. Supports healthy bones
3. Rejuvenates aging eyes
4. Improves metabolism
5. Improves sleep quality
6. Eases mild depression
7. Boosts height
8. Reduces cancer risks
9. Aids heart health