Wednesday 8 May 2019

Silence is simply great for mind and body

Silence is simply great for mind and body

How often do you spend time with just yourself?

Most of the time we are distracted by cell phones, tv, engaged in social circles, etc.

That is so much of noise.

I know it isn't for some and it is a lot of constant distraction for some.

The people who enjoy their own company it is extremely pleasurable.

The people who truly enjoy meditation, they have found peace alone and in the midst of the crowd.

That is why Saints ask people to meditate and to enjoy the real peace and bliss within.

What are the great benefits of silence

- Helps you relax and slow yourself down

- Find yourself through silence

- Recharge and refresh your mind

- Quiet the noise within yourself

- Helps relieves stress and tension

- Therapeutic for conditions like depression

Yogis traditionally used to keep maun vrat. It literally means a vow to keep silent.

In day to day life, we can cut down on useless speech and save energy for spiritual growth.