Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Physical activity is not a choice it is a must

Physical activity is not a choice it is a must

There are some very harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

The science has also said to the extent that sitting is the new smoking.

Smoking is killing people, and so does sitting for long hours.

If you are not into exercising yet, moving, staying active, on a day to day basis is a must, else you falling into the trap of diseases.

Anyone can do little things at home, at the office, take stairs, basically be less dependent on help from others, use your own body for little things.

A sedentary lifestyle has negative effects on health:

- You feel low, lazy, stress and depressed
- Cancer risk skyrockets
- Start to forget things
- Blood sugar spikes
- Backache gets worse
- Lower metabolism
- Can lead to osteoporosis
- Lead to obesity
- Weak muscles, bones, joints
- Lead to cardiovascular diseases
- You make wrong food choices and choose fat and sugary stuff

If this post does not convince you to move, then what will?

Stay active for your people, if not for yourself:)