Saturday 27 April 2019

Off day an indulge day

Off day an indulge day

Let's catch up with friends, movies, desserts, and all that you could not do, eat during the weekdays.

Yup, you should.

After all, life is a party, and it's a one-time opportunity.

But, it's a one-time opportunity to learn about who you really are.

To know your purpose in life.

To make time to look within rather than look outside.

It's an opportunity to find out time to exercise, to play, to do yoga.

All these things as well you could not do during the week even if you tried to do.

Why not?

If you miss on these essentials when do you think you will get time again to work and to contemplate on self?

I think off days are a brilliant opportunity.

To learn, to grow, to get fit, to make healthier choices.