Monday 22 April 2019

You can safely eat mangoes in diabetes

You can safely eat mangoes in diabetes

The popular tool to manage a diet for diabetics is the GI (Glycemic Index).

It measures how quickly a given food causes your blood sugars to rise, comparing it to the effect of pure glucose.

A food with a low number, or low GI, has less impact on your blood sugars than a food with a high number.

Mangos have a low GI of 51, well below that of comparable tropical fruits such as pineapple or papaya.

In other words, a reasonable portion of mango – roughly a quarter of fruit – is about 1/2 cup of cubed fruit, and will have only minimal impact on your blood sugar.

Keeping your blood sugar under control is important, but it's not the only measure of food.

Maintaining a healthy overall diet also means paying attention to how much nutrition a food packs, relative to the calories it provides – its "nutrient density" – as well as other factors such as its fiber content.

Mangos score very well when considered in that light.

They are high Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Potassium.

Eat this fruit when empty stomach.

And, try to eat it as a mini-meal rather than along with your meal.